When is St Nicholas Day 2031?

St Nicholas Day 2031 is on Saturday, December 6th (6/12/2031).

What is St Nicholas Day?

St. Nicholas Day, also called Feast of St. Nicholas, marks the anniversary of the death of the third-century Catholic saint who inspired the modern versions of Santa Claus.

Saint Nicholas Day is observed on December 6th or on December 5th in Western Christian countries, and on December 19th in Eastern Christian countries using the old church Calendar.

Although St. Nicholas partially inspired the Christmas and Santa Clause that we all know and love, St. Nicholas actually derives from a different kind of tale.

What month is St Nicholas Day 2031?

St Nicholas Day in 2031 is on the month of December, on Saturday, 6th of the month.

What month is St Nicholas Day 2031?

St Nicholas Day in 2031 is celebrated on Saturday, December 6th.

The History of St Nicholas Day & Christian Holidays
Learn the history of Christian holidays, why do we celebrate St Nicholas Day and other holidays, what is the reigns of St Nicholas Day and how it came about we are still celebrating them until today, don’t miss this insightful video.

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Dates of St Nicholas Day by Year
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